Doctor of Physical Therapy
5 Years Degree Program
The Doctor of Physical Therapy is a 5-year clinical doctorate degree that enables a student to begin a successful professional career as a Physical Therapist. Physical therapy is described as the science of curing and the art of healing, which is an integral component of today's healthcare system. It is concerned with the examination, diagnosis, and therapy of physiological diseases of the musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems, including pain, and physiological, structural, and psychosomatic problems.
It also addresses therapeutic approaches based on mobility, muscle relaxation, occupational exposure, and therapeutic techniques for relieving pain and associated issues. As a result, physical therapy encompasses the fundamental aspects of therapeutic sciences, such as preventative, promotional, diagnostic, and rehabilitative.
Career Paths:
- The Government (Grade 17 scale jobs)
- Private medical clinics
- NGOs
- Sporting clubs and teams
- International career opportunities
- Private Medical Facilities
- Centers for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Aid groups and agencies
- Academia Medical Technology companies for research